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Graduate Showcase

Throughout my journey in the Master of Arts in Education (MAED) program, I have come to new conclusions about the educational field and my teaching within it.  Throughout various readings, reflections, and peer collaborations my views of teaching practices evolved to better fit the current educational research and stances.  These practices are evident through many of the reflections, videos, papers, and lesson plans I created over the past year and a half.  As I think about all that I have learned I can separate out three common themes/ideas: a reimagined vision, questioning and discussions, and learning as a process.  Below showcases my view about education and how my teaching practices have shifted to better meet the needs of my students.    

Reimagined Vision

Throughout the MAED program, my vision for what and how I teach has been completely reimagined.  These artifacts showcase the overarching ideals that help to form my vision for education.  Although this is not a complete vision, it is a window into what I believe strong instruction should include.  

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21st Century Learning


This video gives an overview of what 21st-century learning entails and why it is important to include in the classroom.  21st-century learning skills were relatively new to me, and have since become a part of my daily practice.     





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Writing Curriculum Review

In this review, I take an in-depth look at the Write Well writing curriculum and compare it to the best practices of writing instruction.  This review helped my ability to identify the necessary aspects in writing curriculums and modify them to ensure all necessary components are included.



 Science Vision Statement


This is my revised vision for the teaching of science utilizing the NGSS science standards.  This vision has changed to focus more on the how and not the what.  I came to realize the importance of teaching more than just the science content by also teaching the process of doing science authentically. 


Questioning and Discussions

A key theme throughout all learning in the MAED program was the need for the use of questioning and discussions to inspire critical thinking in our students.  Similarly, questioning our practices and using discussions with others is necessary for professional growth.   



Questioning Protocol


This document outlines the protocol for questioning in a Kindergarten classroom.  It describes the routines and instructional moves I use to elicit questioning and discussions from students.








Professional Learning Network

This graphic highlights the network of individuals I can use to help further my knowledge or education on various topics.  We are connected to a wide range of individuals and resources, it is important to know what we have available to us when in need.

Learning is a Process

A component of education I have come to find very important is that learning is a process.  This is something I have experienced first-hand through projects in which I, myself, undertook the process of learning.  I have also learned that students must undertake learning as a process in which they drive their own learning and understand the how as much as they understand the what.    

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Project-Based Learning

This document is a book review and reflection from the book Inside Information.  I reflect on the ideals of project-based learning as a way to teach informational reading standards.  


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Learning From Scratch

This project reassigned my role from the educator to the student.  Over the span of 5 weeks, I used only information found online to teach myself calligraphy.  I found that understanding the process of learning is essential in asking our students to undergo the process of learning.   

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Lesson Plan

This lesson plan integrates social studies standards and 21st-century learning skills.  This lesson plan exemplifies the importance of providing students with an authentic process of learning that is more than just telling and reciting.    

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