Kaylyn Wilke
Elementary Teacher
Please download the PDF version of the resume to find more detailed information regarding my work and education experience.
Click on the pictures below for further information about each organization.
Education Experience
December 2021
May 2016
Michigan State University
Teaching major in mathematics and minor in English.
Michigan State University
Teaching major in Literacy.
Work Experience
August 2021 - Current
August 2020 - June 2021
August 2017 - June 2020
August 2016 - May 2017
Westwood Charter School, Los Angeles CA
Kindergarten General Education Teacher
Plans and implements daily lessons for 20 students.
Collaborates with others to design a year-long curriculum in all subjects.
Uses assessments to drive instruction.
Differentiates work in literacy and math to meet the needs of all students.
2nd Grade Pod Teacher, Los Angeles CA
Facilitated online zoom classes for five students in the Los Angeles Public School District.
Gave support to students during synchronous zoom hours.
Created and taught additional lessons that coincided with the student's schoolwork.
Created and implemented intervention lessons in reading and math.
Pirie Fine Arts and Academic Center, Chicago IL
Kindergarten General Education Teacher
Designed and implemented daily lessons for classes of 25-37 students.
Planned and implemented a year-long curriculum for literacy, math, science, social studies, and health.
Differentiated instruction in all core subject areas to meet the needs of all students using data from assessments.
Walsh Elementary School, Chicago IL
General Education Intern: 1st grade
Successfully planned 10-day units in writing, mathematics, science, and integrated social studies.
Planned and held one on one ELA intervention lessons in which 100% of the students showed growth and 80% showed significant growth increasing 5 reading levels.
Used assessment data in order to differentiate and drive instruction by creating fluid groups for levels of instruction.
Technology /Skills

Learning A-Z
I use Learning A-Z to supplement the school curriculum. I also use Raz-Kids to differentiate and provide guided reading for students.

Amplify Reading
I use Amplify for testing including TRC and DIBELS. I also use Amplify Reading to provide differentiated reading instruction at school and at home.

Google Classroom
I use google classroom to connect with parents. I also use google classroom to build and assign classroom assignments.

I use IXL as an instructional tool for students. I use this tool to provide differentiated math and reading lessons at school and at home.

Conscious Discipline
I participated in a 10-week book group led by a Conscious Discipline coach to pilot the practices at our school.

Envision Mathematics
I participated in a day-long Envision Mathematics professional development. I have implemented Envision Mathematics for three years in the classroom.

Lucy Caulkins
I have experience using both Lucy Caulkins writing and reader's workshop units for Kindergarten.